News and Resources

Highlights from the launch of the Vulnerable Persons Standard in the National Press Theatre, Ottawa | March 1, 2016

VPS Resources

These resources have been prepared by the Vulnerable Persons Secretariat and are available in both English and French

| Download the Vulnerable Persons Standard, FAQs and Advisors List (PDF)
| Download the VPS Media Advisory (PDF)
| Download the Jean Vanier Media Advisory (PDF)
| Download Jean Vanier and Hollee Card's Letter to Canadians on Fragility (PDF)
| Download a sample letter to Parliamentarians

Relevant Reports

| Supreme Court of Canada: Carter Decision
| Federal External Panel on Options for a Legislative Response to Carter v. Canada
| Report of the Special Joint Parliamentary Committee on Physician-Assisted Dying


Recent Media

Laura Stone, Doctors urge Ottawa to provide more clarity on assisted dying law, The Globe and Mail, Feb 29, 2016

David Baker and Trudo Lemmens, Assisted dying report goes beyond scope, ignores evidence, The Globe and Mail, Feb. 27, 2016

Margaret Wente, Should right to die law apply to mentally ill people?, The Globe and Mail, Feb 23, 2016

Margaret Wente, What's so difficult about the right to die, The Globe and Mail, Feb 23, 2016

André Picard, A dignified death for dementia patients: Who makes that call?, The Globe and Mail, Feb 16, 2016

Thomas Walkom, Parliamentary report takes a too-casual approach to doctor-assisted death, The Toronto Star, Feb 28, 2016

Trudeau government should move cautiously on right-to-die: Editorial, The Toronto Star, Feb 26

Andrew Coyne, Canada is making suicide a public service. Have we lost our way as a society?, National Post, Feb 29, 2016



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Show your support for the Standard by adding your name to our list of Canadians who are calling on Parliamentarians to ensure that federal policies for permitting physician-assisted death under the Criminal Code incorporate the VPS safeguards.

Share the Standard

Use our ready-made messages to share the Standard by email and through your social networks. By promoting the Standard you can help to ensure that federal legislation regulating physician-assisted death incorporates the VPS safeguards.

Post this message on Facebook: "The Vulnerable Persons Standard will help ensure that Canadians requesting assistance from physicians to end their life can do so without jeopardizing the lives of those who are susceptible to abuse and coercion."

Email the VPS website to a friend: "I wanted to share with you the Vulnerable Persons Standard — a set of evidence-based safeguards that will help to ensure that Canadians requesting assistance from physicians to end their life can do so without jeopardizing the lives of vulnerable persons who may be subject to coercion and abuse. You can download the Standard and learn more at"

Tweet this message: "The Vulnerable Persons Standard provides safeguards for Canadians who are susceptible to abuse and coercion..."